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对我们大多数人来说, there is abundant access to energy providing electricity to power essentials, 比如加热, 冷却, 照明, 充电, 制冷, 以及更多的生活舒适.

对于一些家庭来说, 生活在偏远和贫困的社区, 没有能量, 没有电, 没有日常需要和必需品的动力.

大约1.600万人居住在这里.2 percent of private homes in Mexico do not have electricity, according to Mexico’s 2020 Population and Housing Census of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

“Many people take for granted the basic conditions to carry out our daily lives. Turning a switch on allows us to have light for our children to study in the afternoon, keep our food cold in a refrigerator or find out what is happening through the radio or television,费尔南达·埃莫西略解释道, TC Energía墨西哥高级社区投资顾问.

TC Energía相信提供负担得起的, 安全, 可持续和现代能源, helping reduce poverty and inequalities in disadvantaged communities, so our Mexico team seized this opportunity to work with a partner to make a difference in communities near our 图拉-雷耶斯别墅 天然气管道工程.

我们与 Ilumexico, an organization focused on bringing electricity to low-income families in Mexico, 并安装了住宅太阳能电池板, providing essential power in two remote central Mexico communities, including Tortugas — part of the Santa María del Río municipality — and La Lomita, 在圣路易斯州Potosí.


“我们正在努力解决能源问题, is the most fundamental — providing the essential access to energy for people who have been deprived from it,埃莫西略解释道.

“这些人没有权力, 直到今天, and for TC Energía it is a source of pride to be able to contribute with actions like this that positively change the lives of the people close to our pipelines,埃莫西约补充道.

作为太阳能安装计划的一部分, local people will be trained and employed by Ilumexico to maintain, 服务和维修太阳能电池板系统.

Ilumexico, 在Concentrarte AC的支持下, 还提供了为期一周的娱乐科学讲习班, 音乐和社区电影.